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Professional Development Course

I am excited to offer a wide variety of professional development. I am also able to customize professional development to meet the specific needs of your school community. I can't wait to connect, and get started. 

Professional Development  Opportunities

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  1.  Teacher Boot Camp -helpful for new teachers. Pacing guides, lesson plans, differentiated instruction, process and procedures, classroom management.  (all grade levels)

  2. Easy Differentiated Instruction - How to teach and work with children with ADHD, Dyslexia, and Anxiety. (all grade levels)

  3.  Connection Before Correction -The how and why we need to build engaging relationships with students. (all grade levels)

  4.  Leadership Coaching - Individual or team coaching for administrators, team leaders, and instructional coaches. (all grade levels)

  5.  Early Literacy Understanding the science of reading. (All grade levels)

  6. Technology & Brain Development -Understanding the effects of technology related to attention and motivation. (all grade levels)

  7. MTSS - Implementing or Refining Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Framework in your school. 

  8. Social Emotional Learning- Strategic reflection, coaching, & easy classroom tips for immediate implementation. 

  9. Customized PD - Design unique professional development specific to your school and the needs of your community. 

  10. PTO Parenting Series (For Parents)

    a. Executive Functioning Skills
    b. Strength-Based Parenting - Loving your unique child 
    c. Loving & Guiding when Children are Anxious

    d. Setting Healthy Boundaries and Routines
    e. Brain Drain -The Effects of Technology On Brain Health


Experience & expertise with



What schools can expect:

I offer solutions and training for educational needs including leadership training, instructional coaching, strategic planning, Executive Functioning Strategies and training for parents and the classroom.
Contracts will include a free consultation to analyze current needs, target areas of growth, and identify specific goals.




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