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Parent Workbooks are just $24.95. Each book comes personally signed by Jodie, with free access to over 35 printable handouts, info graphs, and worksheets.
Parenting with a few "F" words.
Get ready to Fuel, Focus, Foster, Follow, and Forgive your way to a new parenting peace.
Families aren’t “one size fits all,” and no parenting manual can answer all your questions or prescribe exactly how to deal with every challenge your family is facing. This book is about helping you be the author of your own family’s story. Designed as workbook to be written in, dogeared, and revisited over and over, you will learn the importance of strategic and intentional decision making. Learn to manage moments of meltdowns, how to set healthy boundaries, the importance of being consistent, and how to rely on your own strengths to connect with your child in order to effectively address areas you desire to improve!
Chapter Summary
1) Fuel Yourself First - Learn why self care, self compassion, mindfulness, knowing your own strengths, and identifying your children's strengths are the foundation of parenting.
2) Focus on Child Development 101- While there is no typical child or teen, there are typical patterns of behavior and development. Learn the stages and patterns of child development, which can lead to an earlier introduction of interventions, therapies, and support.
3) Foster Healthy Emotional Responses - Learn to respond instead of react to bad behaviors. Learning how to encourage healthy emotional responses that support strong independent coping skills, can help children feel loved, seen, and known. Learn to honor your child’s uniqueness and teach emotional intelligence, resilience, and independence.
4) Follow Your Gut - Knowledge is power!!! In Chapter 4 parents learn when and how to follow their gut and seek help if needed. What it means to be neurodiverse. Typical signs, symptoms, and red flags are discussed as well as common special education terms.
5) Forgive Freely - In the final chapter, parents learn the importance of two powerful “F’” words: Forgiving Freely. Begin to understand what it means to give grace freely, strategically make decisions rooted in your family values and priorities, unlocking all the possibilities that come with freely forgiving without expectations or limits.
Be The Author of Your Own Story!
By practicing and relying on your own strengths, learning to recognize and manage the natural stages of child development, and focusing on what is important to you and your family, you can learn to parent your unique child and intentionally create the family you desire.
Prepare to expand your parenting toolbox, build confidence, and strengthen your child’s executive functioning skills.
Learn to care for yourself, rely on your God-given strengths, and strategically create the family environment you’ve been dreaming of.
Spotlight on Executive Functioning Skills
EFS helps kids organize their thoughts and ideas, control their feelings, respect and set boundaries, process information. Strong EFS can help a child feel independent, take risks, and try new things. In chapter 2, Focus on Child Development, parents are given specific stragegies to help foster a strong executive function.
My Why!
Parent Coaching is a skill of the heart. My entire life I have been passionate about my faith life, my family, and having fun while helping and serving others. For three decades as a teacher, school administrator, parent coach, and education consultant, I have helped families navigate moments of transformation, growth, heartache, and celebration. Working with parents as they care for and nurture their children is a privilege I take very seriously. Order you copy today to get started transforming your parenting journery.
Work with Jodie!
Are you ready to transform your family dynamic? Let's get started designing the family environment you've been dreaming of. I am hear to help, and I can't wait to hear your story! Contact me today for a free consultaion at
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